Aalia Oursbourn
AaliaOursbourn was born in London, England and is now an British American actor. She is a Los Angeles-based designer who takes her talents to the next level. Aalia began her modeling career when she aged 13 and was noticed by a fashion house. Aalia earned her bachelor's engineering degree from London. Then, she went to America and pursued an acting career in film. She is a proud owner of an attractive set of certifications from an acclaimed University. That means that her life is an enviable one. While growing up she explored and experienced the Lifestyle of America and British; therefore writing about the lifestyle was easy for her. She's a blogger and a web-based photographer. Her blog updates adventure, style and the latest in fashion as well as Hi-tech from different countries. Aalia is also a photographer and blogger who enjoys keeping people up to date on health, fitness as well as fashion with her blog. Aalia's work experience is based on working for international companies. When she became an Fashion Model Aalia was a part of a nationwide magazine campaign. Aalia was interviewed by several International publications.

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